I Keep Loving
by Psychic Monkey ™
band@psychicmonkey.us | www.psychicmonkey.us | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
Yeah, I am a drifter, the loner, the lover
With wounded heart and broken dreams
I come to you with flowers.

You take what I can give graciously, endlessly.
I keep loving, and believing
Aching to be loved selflessly.

You said you love me the day I got you out of trouble
Next week you were back in it, and my heart was in rubble.
I threw in a lifesaver for you, honey
You flashed a crafty smile once again at me.

Youre so heavenly top to toe, Im sure youve heard it before
I keep telling myself Im your only one
Though I know you have so many men in store.

You never seem to need a job
How can I refuse help, when I see you sob.
Your woes never seem to end
I give, you take, again and again.

Your love for me is measured, kisses timed.
Why youre always so busy is a mystery.
But I never want you to release me.

I didn't get what I craved, to be loved by you eternally
I'm so starry-eyed, a terrible fool
And I keeping loving you...lavishly.

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