Shades Of Gray
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
We live in a world of shades of gray
Good to bad and back we swing

We live everyday
In shades of gray...yeah.
We live everyday
In shades of gray...yeah.

Facts are only what's in the past
Truth? It's your own judgment.
Losers today, winners tomorrow
Who laughs last?

Everything is relative
Is it vulgar or just creative?! I don't know.

Socialism, communism, capitalism
Monarchy, anarchy, democracy.
Unity, egoism, heroism
Oh, I'm so confused!

I can't tell 'em from hypocrisy.

Rules and laws are made by our fathers
So they control the rest.
Hang those trouble makers
Just keep away from the bee's-nest.

White rejects all the colors
It ain't exactly white.
Black devours all the colors
Nothing is that simple.
Nothing is that simple...that's right.

Your enemy may God
Your friend may demon
Do you think I dress odd?
She defies all the rules, so uncommon.

It's ain't so simple
Neither black, nor white.
It's in shades of gray.

Truth ain't absolute.
History may be true.
But we twist everything.
Twist everything. Everyday.
In shades of gray.

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