Sometimes I Wish
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
Sometimes I'm so strung
I forget how to express
with my own tongue.

So much injustice
I'm too old and I'm too shy
To cry.

What do we do
With the wealth we earn
and distribute.

Church for solace
Police for order
Army for the mass.
Levy for our safety
Yet I have to question
as I watch the news on tv.

I can't win this game
Despite all my tries
Here we are
Still the same.

Don't know where we're going
We've been true to you.
Your loyalty to your peons, Dear Emperor
Is long overdue!

Sometimes I just wanna run
Sometimes I wish I had a gun
If, even for a moment
Against my better judgement.

But I'm afraid
I'd kill myself...instead.
Don't get me wrong
I don't want to die
nor deny.

But I'm afraid, I'd kill myself instead.

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