Tomorrow is Christmas
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
I dont have the time today
For a lesson in history
I have finished putting final touches
On my Christmas tree

Im so excited
I should pause for a moment
Perhaps to pray
And to reflect on those who went away.

But this is not the time to repent
To be blue and lament
This is now, tomorrow is coming soon
Only thing I care to do is croon.

Tomorrow is Christmas
Whatever your dogmas
New year is around the corner
Rejoice our differences
Above, below, and along the equator.

The days before werent always easy
Some things made you glad, some things made you crazy
Whatever your pain, youre here still
We made through the year, travelled together uphill.

Youre surrounded by family and children
And many many good friends
Or maybe youre all alone
Feeling unloved and unknown.

Maybe you dont care about the jingling sleigh
Maybe you want to have it your way
Whoever it is that you worship
Envy, hatred, loss, and pain, you must strip.

For theres a new moon rising soon
Go ahead, sing a carol in your own tune
Pumpin Pie, chocolate, eggnog, and toys
Feast to prepare, candles to light...oh the happy noise.

Tomorrow you may kiss, or hug under the mistletoe
Or frolic all day in the snow
You may hand out gifts and cards
Eat mincemeat pie or march in parades.

You may walk with a golden star
Park your truck and hop into a bar
Perhaps run through the streets singing
Celebrate the good things, the new year is bringing.

Whatever your call
Come one, come all
This is a special time for the earth
As we celebrate a special birth.

Atheists, Catholics, Jews, Hindus, Moslems
You know we share the same life-problems
Desert, rainforest, tundra, whatever your plain
Put aside personal campaigns and pop a champagne.

Another year behind us
Peace isnt easy, war is worse
Leave your worries behind
Pack your hurt and just be kind.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah
God Bless America.
God Bless the Earth,
Your land, your Utopia.

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