What If
by Psychic Monkey ™
band@psychicmonkey.us | www.psychicmonkey.us | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
If you could love just one
Who would it be
If you had just one life
Would you beg for three?

What if you lived eternally
What job would you choose?

If you had fairies in your garden
Would you report it to news?

What if you had to die for another
Would it be who you loved forever
Your enemy, your father
Your mother, or your daughter?

If you had one last date
Where would you take her?

If you faced your maker face-to-face
How would you greet her?

If you had to do one last thing
Would you take revenge
Or do something else?

What if the sky was red
And snow was black
Would the roses be any different
By your big iron gate?

What if you'd never seen an butterfly
What if you'd never heard a bird-song
And you were deaf and blind?

What if you were always right
What if you were the prettiest, richest
Tallest, and the strongest?

What if you had all the powers
How would you make it known
Build the tallest towers
Or remain unknown?

If you could love just one
Who would it be
If you had just one life
Would you beg for three?

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