A Boy's Dream
by Psychic Monkey ™
band@psychicmonkey.us | www.psychicmonkey.us | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
When you're so young and anxious
It's easy to give up.
To lose your ways
and gut your premature conscience.

Your dreams are bigger than your means
You'll be working for a dime for awhile.

Plenty of ridicule you'll swallow
Your ambitions surpass your skills.

For now keep plowing the field
Push that wheelbarrow
But remember to gaze up
In time your future will be revealed.

You remember your childhood
As if it was so long ago
Here come the agent of punishment
You'd crawl back in if you could.

Your long face will smile
Not too long from now
If you keep believing
Your fears will be on trial.
Your fears will be on trial.

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