Crazy Thoughts
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
It's early hood is deep asleep
Crazy thoughts are keeping me awake
No matter how hard I tried to sleep
Seems like under my pillow lies a snake.

I think I'm going crazy
Cuz I just cant stop thinking
Of all the things that could have been
Of all the places I could be traveling.

I'm getting crazy ideas
Where I'm drinking cocktails
With nude angels
In my vision, time's pacing as snails.

Oh I'm dreaming wide awake
Of having magical power
To make things appear and disappear
And every ache and mistake.

Fast forward and rewind
I can hone into any time
Pick and choose the scenes
I can stitch a new past from my primes.

I have so much money
Now my boss works for me
I can make every one rich
Everyone gets treated, no one goes hungry.

And I'm making love to you
Till the moon goes to sleep
The halo over my head is enough to light up the town
You're weep cuz your love for me is so deep.

I'm laughing to myself
My sea of thoughts are so daft
I'm having crazy thoughts tonight
I think I'll keep flying on my pleasure craft.

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