Dirty Li'l Feet
by Psychic Monkey ™
band@psychicmonkey.us | www.psychicmonkey.us | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
Cold rain hitting my window like arrows
Blood rushing through my veins.

It's too cold to sweat today.
And I'm thinking of you.

You never placed any claim
Never promised me anything.

I know your dirty secrets, babe
Still I like as you came.

Because you took my pain away
Even for a short while.
Nothing is permanent
Love, life, passion, or pain.

Your dirty little feet
Cupping my cheeks
Your painted toes.
Crawling through my hair.

With your smile you wooed me
into a new place.
I haven't visited that, you know
In a long while.

My dirty little angel
I know your dirty little secrets
No need to hide, nothing to lie.

We're both sure
That no one's pure.


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