Evil Twin
by Psychic Monkey ™
band@psychicmonkey.us | www.psychicmonkey.us | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
I met the evil twins
Shouldn't have answered the bell today
The day they sent my dreams
to Hell.

I met the evil twins
That came in pair
They're called Pain and Fear
Yeah they're called...Pain..and...Fear!

They came in; didn't bother asking my name...
Just said:
"it's your turn today."
They murdered my dreams and cheers
I try to load my gun
Just then my heart tricked me
And they shook my hand and shook me...
Took my gun and tried to take me!

I run out of my home
In my pocket, is a lucky stone
They're chasing me...just won't lose me!
I can't run cuz my legs won't let me!


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