Love is an act
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
It's been a hundred nights since our last kiss
Loneliness is such an ugly beast
Though I know you loved me in your hearts
I feel your hands as cold as brass.

After many morns and sunsets
We grew indifferent to each other
After many morns and sunsets
We preserved our expressions for later.

Our feeling was one words another
In the end we confessed that
Love in an act not a feeling
Hate is a feeling we act on.

Its been a hundred nights since our last dance
In daily haste we left our dreams to chance
When you spoke of your pain I replied in anger
When I spoke of mine you cried in fear.

Once I used to sleep next to you
Now I can only smell your striped pillow
If listened to my heart and acted on it
Would you be here with me today?

I believe
Love in an act not a feeling
Hate is a feeling we act on. -+-

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