New Slavery
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
When you are small
Guarding your treasure chest
Beware, my friend
They'll come after it
To put your values to test.

Only a matter of time
When you'll be bribed and charmed
Oh yeah
You'll be asked to sell your soul
Here's a stack of hard cash
Don't be alarmed!

Dare you to decline
As they'll take you out in no time.
None of your guards can resist
Your own people will in crime.

So, take the money and run
Or would you...rather die
in the hands of the...greedy?

Your deeds and principles mean nothing to them
Don't even try to plead.

They'll kill you and yours for less.
Yeah, believe it!
The gods of today
kill for less, and less!

Your ambition is a cause of worry
Your popularity is so slimy
Sell your liberty now or else
They'll skin you
on the count of three!

Only a matter of time
When you'll be buried.
Oh yeah.

Welcome to the new slavery
Don't make us laugh with your bravery.
Nothing good and strong can ever belong to you.
All you own belong to them
So don't act so unwary.

You'll be asked to sell your soul
Here's a stack of hard cash...don't be alarmed.

So, take the money and run
Or die defying slavery.

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