Nothing To Lose
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
When you’ve got nothing to lose
Whatever you choose to do
Can be nothing but a gain.
When people complain
They look strange…your heart frozen
Can take anything anything without pain.

Your ears may ring
And your head may spin
Your nose bleeding
But your spirit ain’t.

Oh…when you’ve got nothing to lose
Whatever you choose to do
Can be nothing nothing but a gain.

What’s left to go back for
The land you once belonged to
Don’t recognize you no more
Ain’t worth crying anymore.
You take what fits in your pockets
Double up on socks and hit a local shop
For you’ll need the smoke for the road
From here to the edge.

Not like you have a dream
Living for today doesn’t leave any time for tomorrow
You know no fear
Nor do you shed any tear.

You’re free…got no deceits
Why you exist, don’t matter to me
Cause today is still better than
What might come to you tomorrow.

Better than...
What might come to you tomorrow.
Better than...
What might come to you tomorrow.

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