Subhuman (Extended version)
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
Through the red clouds, I see stars
Stars made of our dead heroes
Gone too soon by our own zeros.

Trees we grew are now laying scorched...
Roads we laid are blistered
Roofs we slept under---burnt by torch.

Streets are stained with blood
Our children buried in the mud.

Air filled with stench of kill
Hollow windows cant dull the shrill.
Front doors now all look the same
Colorless, crushed in the postgame.

What have we done? What have we become? I whisper my God's name in shame.

Our greed and pride win over our mind
Time and again
Why is it so hard to consider the mankind.

War is our failure in living in peace
Yet we build bigger bombs to release From air, from water, or land
To command, to expand, in our demand.

As the hungry go hungrier, poor get poorer
Wealthy get greedier, enemies get angrier.

What have we become? What have we done I summon my angels in shame.
We have become the creatures to be feared
More than monsters and animals that ever appeared.

We think we're so much better than them
Cant go a season without a fight
We like to damn and condemn.

We know how to write poems, and words of hate
We know we arent but pretend to be great.

Sometimes inhuman, sometimes animals, sometimes nonhuman
But we are nothing more than subhuman.

I'm looking for a telephone to call my God
Ask Him to undo it all
And ask if He created us
Or we created Him first.

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