Thievery Economy
by Psychic Monkey ™ | | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
You don't need a degree to get this
To understand how the money goes around
In our economy. Yeah, in our economy.

The beggars get their coins
Off of who feel their pain.
You earn yours only to spend.
Rest you save for another
May wasted soon enough
by the Big Brother.

Through daily grind
You pretend to live richly.
But the rich gets more than their share
As your dollars fund the ailing medicare.

Yeah they can play the game of monopoly
Not you, my friend.

As you set foot on their lands
You'll have to live by their demands.
Hard times come
Liquor stores rejoice.
Bartenders working over time.

Casinos ring and glitter.
Watch your dollar turn into a dime.
Trust you placed in the banks
To secure from the robbers.
Trust you placed in the goverment
To secure the banks.

And the biggest thieves of all are all inside.
And the biggest thieves of all are all inside.
You cry "It's robbery! It's thievery!"

The richest pay to make the wrongs right
And you're caught in a hard place.
You're caught in a hard place.
You don't need a degree to get this.

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