Wrong Again!
by Psychic Monkey ™
band@psychicmonkey.us | www.psychicmonkey.us | © All Rights Reserved. Copying, distributing, modifying in any form of these lyrics prohibited by law.
You say the end is near
You say you see God
We should live in fear.

You clench the good book
Close to your chest
You yell the words of faith
We know what's under your kimono.

You weren't right then
You're not right now
You'll be wrong again
We all know who you are
So let's not pretend.

You plant the seed of hatred
You despise love and affection
As our children lay in blood
You promise us tickets to heaven.

You tell us how to live
How to talk
In what we must believe
The path we must walk.

You and your disciples
Preach time and time again
Eat for free in our chapels
For your own gain.

You weren't right then
You're not right now
You'll be wrong again, man
So let's not pretend.

Pick up your dirty robe
Take your dirty thoughts
Now head over to the cave
And live in shame.

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